Monday, October 13, 2008

How to Make a Wish

“The best way to understand how a wish works is to think of it as a tiny spurt of energy. Like everything in the universe, our thoughts or intentions are also forms of energy. When we focus our intentions by making a wish, we are creating a tiny energetic shove within the system of which we are all an inseparable part. Because of the power of intentions to be nonlocal, to transcend time and space, they ever so slightly move the cosmos. This is why one simple wish can help swing things a little more our way.” ---from Wishing Well: Making Your Every Wish Come True by Paul Ka’ikena Pearsall, Ph.D.

One week ago, I offered my wishes to the Universe. Since then, I’ve added one more picture to my collage, and I’ve started looking at the floor plan for a simple, two-bedroom cottage by the sea as a floor plan for a simple, two-bedroom cabin in the mountains of North Carolina, two minor but important adjustments.

Can’t say that I’ve noticed any movement in the cosmos, but what I have experienced is a sense of relief, as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

I’d been dithering, you see (and I SO cannot stand dithering by anyone, myself included!). I’d been trying to choose wisely, continuing to be cautious, clinging to the tired old belief that what I really wanted was so far beyond my reach that maybe I should settle for less…yet again.

In the past, I’ve given so much energy to the wet blanket pragmatist who never failed to hyperventilate whenever I attempted to abandon my supposedly more sensible self.

Would you believe she hasn’t once raised her wild-eyed little head the past week?

Considering the current state of our economy and the financial losses we’ve all suffered, that’s flat out amazing!

Do I believe that my wishes will somehow magically come true? Well, sort of…. But what I really believe is that I’ve made a commitment to what I really, really, really, really want, and opportunities will be presented, possibilities will appear, and I’ll have the wherewithal to do whatever it takes to make my wishes come true my very own self. I’ll have the courage to say yes or no, the wisdom to choose wisely and the determination to go after what I want, one sure and certain step at a time.

Putting my wishes out there was a little scary for me, but one week later, what I’m feeling, more than anything, is liberated.

Maybe there has been a shift in the cosmos, after all….

“How to Wish Well” from Wishing Well by Paul Pearsall, Ph.D.

SD-SU-CD – Sit Down, Shut Up, and Calm Down.
Pick a wish target. This means to connect and resonate with nature by looking at something alive.
Close your eyes.
Breathe deeply and abdominally.
Place your left hand over your heart.
Press your right hand gently but firmly on your left hand.
On exhaling, whisper your wish.
Use eight short words.

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